April 13th-19th Continued

The PE challenge of the week is another one of my favorite games! This game is called Salad Bowl. I call it Salad Bowl because it is best played with a big bowl and usually the biggest bowl in the house is the Salad Bowl.

Things you will need: 


Writing Utensil

Open Mind; with a dab of creativity

An inventory of ALL items you could possibly play with

Game Play: On a piece of paper write down the objects in which you have that you can play with. For example the equipment that I have at home is VERY limited. I have -2 hockey pucks, 1 hacky sack, 1 soccer ball, 1 jump rope, 6 dice, 1 hockey stick, 1 balance board, 2 lacrosse sticks, 2 lacrosse balls and chalk. I will write down each of these items on their piece of paper. Now I place the papers into the salad bowl.

If you are playing with more than one person each person will take turns picking items out of the bowl. You will choose 3 items total to start. Here you will now have to make a game, or challenge with the three items.

I picked hockey puck, balance board, and lacrosse stick.  I am now going to create a game or challenge. The challenge is for me to balance on my balance board, place my hockey puck on the board, try to flick it up to myself and catch it with my lacrosse stick. I can add to this by switching sides and catch on my left, I can try to see how many catches I get in a row without the balance board touching the ground, I can challenge myself in a ton of ways!

Animated GIF

The games you create should have rules about safety, and using items in a way that will not be dangerous. I highly recommend doing ball games outdoors. The challenge is to really use items in a way that is different than intended while being safe and having fun. Make an obstacle course, try to juggle a ball of socks with your feet, use a frisbee as a catching tool on your head and try to catch objects you throw to yourself on your head! There are so many activities you can do with limited equipment, try to make something fun out of the things you have!

As you know games you all create I love to hear and build with! In Kindergarten we have a warm up game called Pine Tag that students created on the playground- it has grown to be a fun mirroring and matching game that we love to play. Have fun,  be creative and please share if you would like in the comments below!

Calming Activity of the week

Some of you may have noticed we began a sequence last week. This sequence is called Sun Salutations. I began the sequence last week and left it with the first bit because I find those few motions are great when I am really busy and just need to recollect myself. This week we will add the rest of the sequence so that we have a full Sun Salutation Sequence down. This week’s weather is looking more favorable for Yoga and calming activities so here we go!

Last week we left off with a Half Standing bend. Remember these should be slow movements holding 1-3 Mississippi’s between each movement.  Here we have a video of my best attempts, and a picture of what that all looks like if you need to see a visual of each movement.

Have a healthy and active week!


Coach Sadie

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